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route de la soie - Page 3

  • La BRI à la Conférence sur la sécurité de Munich

    Du 15 au 17 février 2019, s’est déroulée la 55e conférence sur la sécurité de Munich. Cet évènement  est devenu au fil des ans un lieu de rencontre immanquable pour les leaders du monde entier qui peuvent y débattre des enjeux globaux de sécurité et de défense. Si historiquement, étaient discutées en priorité les relations américano-européennes, ce format s’est ouvert aux grandes puissances. La Chine et le Russie sont des intervenants majeurs de cet évènement, et cette année ces deux pays ont été au centre des discussions.

    Un multilatéralisme partagé par la Chine et l’Europe

    On peut retenir de cette rencontre, que malgré certaines tensions notamment concernant les géants des nouvelles technologies comme Huawei, la Chine et l’Union Européenne présentent des positions très proches dans leur promotion du multilatéralisme. Les deux régions ont appelé à renforcer le dialogue  pour résoudre les tensions internationales.

    Ainsi par exemple, sur le dossier iranien, la France et l’Allemagne, comme la Chine, veulent continuer à commercer avec l’Iran et ainsi préserver l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien malgré la politique américaine. L’Iran, quant à elle pourrait bientôt rejoindre la BRI comme le suppose la visite à Beijing du président de l’assemblée parlementaire iranienne Ali Larijani le 19 février 2019.

    L’initiative « Belt and Road »

    Yang Jiechi, membre du PolitBuro a mentionné la BRI dans son discours et a informé que la Chine allait continuer à ouvrir son économie aux investisseurs étrangers ; ce qui a rassuré le ministre allemand des affaires étrangères Heiko Maas qui a proposé une coopération accrue entre l’Europe et la Chine y compris dans le cadre de la BRI.

    Comme annoncé en janvier 2019, la chancelière allemande espère organiser un nouveau sommet Chine-Europe en 2020 durant la présidence allemande de l’Union Européenne, pour d’une part mettre à plat les différents entre les deux régions et aussi donner un nouveau souffle aux relations sino-européennes.    

  • #StupidEconomics - La CHINE trace sa route (de la soie 2.0)

  • Vers une nouvelle route de la soie Le dessous des cartes [ Arte ]

  • CGTN : Panoramas - Ceinture économique de la Route de la Soie

    Panoramas 01/17/2018 Ceinture économique de la Route de la Soie Cette émission amène les spectateurs partout dans le monde. Elle fait attention à la vie des gens ordinaires, au développement social, tout en admirant les bons paysages et savourant les bons plats, découvrant les mystères des sciences humaines et expérimentant le plaisir du voyage.

  • CPEC: Road to Prosperity


    Hira Hafeez

    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a deep-rooted tie between China and Pakistan. It is also a glaring and reflection of China-Pakistan friendship. The CPEC is an endorsement and continuation to the enhancing bilateral friendly relations between two countries. It is a commercial project and bilateral agreements which were signed between both China and Pakistan during the state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Pakistan in April 2015. The CPEC is a mega project of 51 billion of US dollar of Chinese investment that incorporates infrastructure and energy projects. It has been said that the CPEC is a corridor of opportunity and in fact, it would also be a corridor of peace and prosperity among the regional powers too.

    The term economic corridor was first used by Asian Development Bank in 1998 which defines it as important networks or connections between economic agents along a defined geography which links the supply and demand sides of markets. The Economic Corridors are the integrated transport networks of infrastructure within a geographical area which are designed to stimulate economic development. It facilitates not only the movement of goods and services. It also strengthens the exchange of information as well as people’s migration.

    It provides important connections between economic nodes or hubs that are usually centered in urban landscapes. In real term, economic corridors are supposed to be functioned as a connector as well as purpose-built and to link connectivity, Logistic flows, production, development and commerce development and infrastructure within particular geographic structures. These physical infrastructures have to undertake a task of the center of economic activities.

    On the one hand, an economic corridor has, as usual, an Urban-centered outlook and it benefits only to urban areas but on the other hand, it broadens benefits to rural areas as well through the development of transportation, inclusive development, broader economic policy and economic development as well as a connection for production activities.

    In a long run, it paves the way for the financial integration, civilization integration, employment promoting, standardized trade facility and financial management. It also supports historical, social and economic complementariness and people to people cultural ties.

    The CPEC project seeks to rapidly expand and upgrade infrastructure across the length and breadth of Pakistan as well as deepen and widen economic links with its ‘iron brother’ China. The CPEC is essentially a significant part of regional initiatives led by China known as the One Belt One Road (OBOR) economic development. The OBOR concepts consist of two ambitious development proposals. One arm is the land based known as New Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) whereas another arm is the sea-based known as 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (CMSR).

    Both China and Pakistan have agreed to build One Belt One Road project more commonly known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to bring the new era of peace and prosperity in South Asian region. This corridor will incorporate 2,000-kilometer transport link between Kashgar in North-West China to Pakistan’s Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea near the border with Iran via roads, railways and pipelines.

    There are many internal and external challenges for the Pakistani government to implement this multi-dollar project. However, it’s a game changer project which will transform the fate of Pakistan and will help to achieve economic gain. It will improve the economy and trade, enhances regional connectivity, develop infrastructure and establish people to people contacts on both sides.

     The CPEC is the part of China’s vision One Belt One Road and this is the Southern corridor of Silk Road project. China is the new emerging power in the world. The importance of the CPEC is beyond the imagination.

    Gwadar to Kashgar route will not only decrease the distance between China and Middle East but will also provide a safe and secure way of oil to China. Basically, the CPEC is the name of multiple roads of one corridor.

    Moreover, the importance of this corridor is also reflected in the statement of Xi Jinping during his visit to Pakistan in 2015, he said that “this will be my first trip to Pakistan, but I feel as if I am going to visit the home of my own brother’ Moreover, it is a combination of cross-sectional components, infrastructure, trade connectivity, transport, energy services, industrial cooperation and so on.

    However, regional connectivity and economic development are two major aspects of the CPEC project. It consists of roads, energy stations, rail routes and oil and gas pipelines.

    Gwadar port is actually the tail of the Silk Road which will connect Kashgar through different communication networks. Gwadar holds a central place in the project of the CPEC. Gwadar could play a key role in ensuring China’s energy security. It has been said that Gwadar will also put China and Pakistan in a strategically advantageous position along the Arabian Sea.

    The CPEC from all counts will prove a game changer and will make China a real stakeholder in Pakistan’s economy, stability and security. It promises to boost Pakistan’s economy and provide employment and business opportunities for local. Foreign investors can be attracted to invest along the long route of the corridor. The CPEC projects have huge significance, it runs through one of the most important and vital geo-strategic locations of South Asia. It connects the whole region and gives Pakistan central importance for world trade. It holds promise to make Pakistan an economic power in the world in near future.

    The CPEC is the ‘game changer’ project. There are many challenges for Pakistan in implementing of this project. At the same time, Pakistan will have many benefits from this corridor. The new great game will increasingly revolve around China’s one belt one road vision of land and sea connections between Asia, Europe and beyond. The CPEC is the first component of this ambitious vision.   The recent, inauguration of first  CPEC consignment shipment from the Gwadar deep sea port is the beginning of the new era of the economic prosperity and progress for the region in general and for Pak-China long-lasting friendship cum partnership in particular.

    Writer has completed her Master’s in Political Science from the University of Karachi and a CSS aspirant.

  • Le Pakistan et la Chine inaugurent un nouveau corridor commercial


    Le premier conteneur chargé lors de l'inauguration en grande pompe du nouveau corridor commercial reliant le port pakistanais de Gwadar et la ville chinoise de Kashgar, à Gwadar, le 13 novembre 2016.

    REUTERS/Caren Firouz

    Pour la première fois, une cargaison de 150 conteneurs venus de Chine a été embarquée dimanche 13 novembre à bord d'un navire au port de Gwadar au Pakistan. C'était l'inauguration du corridor économique sino-pakistanais, un vaste projet évalué à 46 milliards de dollars.

    Le corridor économique entre la Chine et le Pakistan s'étend de la ville de Kashgar, au Xinjiang, jusqu'au port de Gwadar ouvrant sur le golfe Persique et le détroit d’Ormuz.

    Long de 2 000 kms, empruntant l'une des branches de l'antique route de la soie, il permet à la Chine de réduire de 10 000 km le transport de ses exportations de marchandises vers le Moyen-Orient. Il rend également la Chine moins dépendante des routes maritimes passant par le détroit de Malacca pour ses importations de pétrole du Moyen-Orient.

    Pour le Pakistan, ce projet de liaisons routières, ferroviaires, oléoducs et réseaux de communications constitue un apport massif d'investissements chinois jusqu’en 2031 que d'aucuns ont comparé à un plan Marshall.

    Mais le port de Gwadar se situe au Baloutchistan, la plus vaste et la plus pauvre des provinces pakistanaises, et elle est régulièrement agitée par des violences séparatistes ou islamistes. Tel l'attentat-suicide qui a eu lieu samedi dans un sanctuaire soufi. Les autorités pakistanaises se sont engagées à mettre en place les forces de sécurité nécessaires.

  • Former French PM Raffarin Calls Again on France To Join China’s One Belt One Road


    PARIS, Nov. 11, 2016 (Nouvelle Solidarité)—In an article posted on his blog and picked up by the Huffington Post, former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin called once again on the West and France in particular to join the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project and "become more aware how this new reality relates directly to France’s interests and alliances."

    "Today China talks reality and Europe limits itself to curiosity. President Xi Jinping launched this project and took the world by surprise. It was in no way an improvisation but as often happens in China an idea imposes itself after a profound strategic reflection. The project allies a strategy and tools.... The great ‘Europe-Asia-Africa’ market has to become a community of interests.

    "China is looking for large markets for its industrial overcapacities. The marginal gains of globalization are depleting themselves; growth has to be given a new impetus. In Asia, this new impetus has a name: connectivity. By assisting the 65 countries concerned to develop their communication infrastructure, both hard and soft, China bolsters its overture and going ‘up market.’ Simultaneously, it’s guaranteeing the internationalization of its currency and, in the long term, enables the transformation of its growth targeted to become more qualitative and more inclusive. This strategy means the shift from the ‘made in China’ to the ’build by China.’

    "In this vision of cooperation with Europe on both of its extremities, Eurasia and Eurafrica, could allow the EU to reach its growth objective and the creation of jobs. This vast geostrategic area must become ‘a community of interest, of responsibility and of common destiny.’ ... Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang repeats relentlessly: ‘Today, not a single nation can succeed alone.’...

    "In this context, the Chinese think there is a lack of interest for the common nature of humanity. Confronted with a certain vacuum of Western thought, they are preoccupied and don’t understand the worry which inspires their new influence based on their ancient civilization. The geopolitical entity of Eurasia, shaped by the great civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Greece, India and China ... can express itself as an area of civilizational renaissance. The oceans have to find their role in this civilization which has to be also maritime. The cultural initiatives on this subject are numerous. The second edition of the cultural forum, ‘The Silk Road, A Road Toward The Other’ will take place in Lyon in March 2017....

    "The AIIB represents a fantastic lever for development, a ‘Marshall Plan’ for the nations of Eurasia. This initiative, together with the New Development Bank of the BRICS and the Silk Road Fund, clearly demonstrate that China is doing what is required to achieve its objective.

    "In total, in the next coming five years, China will import $10 trillion of goods and will invest over $500 billion abroad. The current rhythm is superior to the previsions of the 13th plan.

    "France is following these initiatives with interest and even benevolence; however, it has now to become more aware how this new reality relates directly to France’s interests and alliances."

  • France 24 : Chine, la nouvelle route de la soie